Adding custom values to SwiftUI’s environment has never been hard. However, the syntax for doing it is verbose and easy to forget.
Async await is part of the new structured concurrency changes that arrived in Swift 5.5 during WWDC 2021.
Building apps for macOS offers a fantastic opportunity to expand your skills and begin your journey as an indie developer.
Topics Provided by Apple, Swift Package Manager is a dependency manager for Swift projects which is directly integrated into Xcode.
Switching careers from full-time to fully independent after transforming multiple side projects into six-figure revenue.
Once you start migrating to the Swift 6 language mode, you'll most likely turn on strict concurrency first.
It’s essential to understand how the @Published property wrapper works since it can easily lead to unexpected behaviors.
Using keyboard shortcuts is key to being productive and efficient when working with a development environment like Xcode.
Data validation in apps is important to make sure we save data conforming to the business rules.
The @Environment property wrapper in SwiftUI allows data sharing between views without explicitly passing the data down the view hierarchy.
You need to make sure that SwiftData can migrate between the old and the new schema to prevent data loss.
Understanding the difference between @StateObject and @ObservedObject is crucial for building robust SwiftUI applications.
The possibility to find synonyms for a given word can help us improve the user experience in an iOS application.
Xcode 16 and iOS 18 allow us to build elaborate preview environments using a new PreviewModifier protocol.
Let's take a look at the key characteristics of Sets and Arrays and explore use cases for each one of them.
In Swift, we can use computed properties to derive a value from other values defined on the same object.
You want to make sure that your paywall is presented at the right time, and that it presents the best offer for your user in the best way.
Xcode Build Insights lets you keep track of compilation times to ensure your project doesn’t suddenly become slow to build.
Third-party libraries help developers build apps faster but often come with a license.
I’m certain developers without knowledge of using AI to their advantage will become much slower in writing code.
Let's look at how we can implement the data scanner functionality for QR codes.
In this article, we'll look at basic machine learning concepts and how we can use CoreML to implement it in an iOS application.
The UserDefaults class provides an easy-to-use API to persistently store key-value pairs when developing iOS applications.
Although ARC tracks and manages your app's memory usage automatically in most cases, we still need to keep an eye out.